Blog Archive
- Terraform cicd
- Terraform security
- Terraform alternative
- Tech design document
- Prompt Engineering
- Terraform dependency
- Terraform terraformer
- Terraform plugin
- SRE - cause and effect
- Security as policy
- Large Language models(LLM)
- Corss Orign Resource Sharing
- Java connection pool
- Kafka New Features(ongoing)
- OpenAPI
- AWS alarms
- GO experience
- Golang - 2
- Terraform Features
- AWS network
- Orchestration and choreography patterns
- go first
- PagerDuty - incident response
- PagerDuty - Service-Based
- container for AI
- AWS IAM and SA
- K8s controller(Ongoing)
- Golang
- K8s nat iptables
- K8s tools
- Outage template
- Ops bot - opsdroid
- Kafka Strimzi
- K8s zero downtime deployment
- K8s pv
- Kafka Troubleshoot
- HTTP 3
- AWS visibility
- K8s dex
- System Design
- CI/CD on cloud
- sre google(WIP)
- K8s debug scheduling
- Docker security
- AWS troubleshoot
- AWS Python scripts
- K8s pprof
- roadmap
- Python advanced
- K8s checks
- Linux socket
- K8s Open Policy Agent
- K8s tune
- Journald
- K8s helm
- regex
- AWS kinesis
- cache
- Latency Numbers
- Linux Load balancing
- AWS route53
- System troubleshoot
- Non abstract large system design
- K8s troubleshoot
- Kafka MirrorMaker
- AWS Network interface basics
- Resiliency
- K8s DNS for Services and Pods
- K8s events
- K8s capacity
- Python pyenv
- K8s known issues
- K8s implementation details, kubeadm
- performance collector
- K8s containerd
- K8s security
- Kafka Streaming
- General tools
- mindmap
- Docker image
- docker troubleshoot
- JVM in container
- K8s Operator
- Terraform
- K8s envoy
- golang context, deadlines
- arm vs x86
- Cgroup v2
- Linux memory
- Kafka Coordinator
- basic data structure and algorithms time complexity summary
- fault isolation
- K8s resource
- K8s control plane node maintenance
- Kafka Upgrade
- Prometheus
- Cert Chain
- AWS Security
- K8s command summary
- K8s certs
- Linux GPG
- K8s logs
- Kafka MirrorMaker
- Spinnaker HA & Performance
- K8s serviceaccount
- K8s cmd
- golang
- Spinnaker
- Kafka CruiseControl
- aws gcloud cheat sheet
- basic data structure and algorithms
- Cloud
- k8s course
- K8s cri
- K8s Pod
- Jenkins
- K8s metallb
- K8s security
- K8s monitor
- K8s traefik(Ongoing)
- K8s service mesh
- K8s books
- K8s network Advanced
- Kafka Use Cases
- K8s storage
- Linux storage
- K8s ingress
- K8s service
- K8s upgrade
- K8s necessary images
- K8s CNI
- K8s kube-proxy
- K8s coredns
- K8s etcd
- K8s api scheduler controller-manager
- K8s kubeadm
- Debuglib
- K8s kubelet
- K8s network(Ongoing)
- ipvs,epf
- rm deleted file
- K8s baisc
- K8s Storage
- Container Network(WIP)
- Container Storage(WIP)
- GitOps(WIP)
- Linux boot
- Java heap and stack
- pprof
- Kafka Ecosystem
- K8s OOMkiller
- Netty
- Linux troubleshoot
- Grafana Simple json plugin(Ongoing)
- SELinux,AppArmor and IDS
- Jaeger Tracing
- Puppet(Advanced)
- OpenSSL
- Maven
- Puppet
- Mesos
- Foundationdb(Ongoing)
- Calico(Ongoing)
- gRPC(Ongoing)
- Ceph
- Openstack
- Debian Package
- Kafka Troubleshoot
- Http/Https
- LSM Tree
- Project Management
- git
- Elasticsearch
- Kafka Monitor
- Osquery(Ongoing)
- AWS some concepts
- Database MySQL HA
- Linux Tools
- Database MySQL Sharding
- Monitor System(Ongoing)
- Codility EquiLeader
- AWS and Cloud
- Docker Details
- Kafka Push vs. pull
- Linux Perf
- Database MySQL XA
- Restful API(Ongoing)
- Ansible and Automation
- Database Hbase
- Kafka Sniffer
- RabbitMQ Details
- Git and Harbor
- Zookeeper
- Distributed System
- Database MySQL Tuning
- Kafka RestAPI(On going)
- Deployment
- Database MySQL IO
- iterm2 hotkey
- Database MySQL Configuration
- Database MySQL Backup
- Linux AsyncIO and SyncIO
- Database MySQL Security
- DevOps Concept
- Database MySQL Replication
- Database MySQL MVCC
- MongoDB
- Consul
- Kafka Best Practice
- Kafka Commands
- Linux user and group(WIP)
- Kafka Details
- Pub/Pri Key and Certs
- Kafka Internel
- Python-File Server
- Database MySQL Diagnosis
- Consul based DNS
- Linux Security
- Network Performance
- Linux Network
- Linux File System
- Linux IO
- Database MySQL Locks
- Codility MaxProductOfThree
- Nginx
- Linux Process
- Linux Useful Commands
- ldap