and docker.runtime
- to split build images and runtime images
- build image is base image + libraries(rarely change)
- runtime image is for application change
- git and jenkins integration
- github has webhook(https://jenkins-hostname/jenkins/github-webhook/) for jenkins on issue comments, pull requests, pushes, repositories
- Webhooks allow external services to be notified when certain events happen. When the specified events happen, we’ll send a POST request to each of the URLs you provide.
- git repo has Jenkinsfile, the pipeline written by groovy, has a few functions
like getLastestChangeForReleaseBranch, extractImagesToPush, generateManifests and uploadArtifactory, generateManDiff and other checks
pipeline {
agent {
kubernetes {
inheritFrom ‘’
defaultContainer ‘’
yamlFile ‘’
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(daysToKeepStr: ‘180’))
timeout(time: 2, unit: “HOURS”)
parameters {
environment {
stages {
- jenkins has github plugin, and using git repo URL. Build strategies is for change requests
2. workflow
- git change/commit -> jenkins build job -> ecr/artifactory
- jenkins build job completed -> spinnaker ci pipeline --> notify
- stg/prod need to be deployed manually with autocheck
- static data sync->validation(data mismatch?)->core->aws(core)->wait->canaries->edge(compute/edge)
3. post release automated validate
- spinnaker + Kayenta(NetflixACAJudge-v1.0) + prometheus
- compare metrics in 30 mins window 1h before and 1h after release
- aggregate the deltas(1min as a step) and present a deviation percentage like 5% increase/decrease
“canary”: {
“direction”: “increase”,
“effectSize”: {
“measure”: {
“meanRatio”: {
“allowedIncrease”: 1.05
"id": "04b0e62a-ff79-4049-9a21-5255209cf8eb",
"classification": "High",
"classificationReason": "client 95P Latency was classified as High",
"groups": [
"experimentMetadata": {
"stats": {
"count": 118,
"mean": 0.010708477810414636,
"min": 0.010344544224266856,
"std": 0.0002897940416165438,
"max": 0.011797092230084483
"controlMetadata": {
"stats": {
"count": 118,
"mean": 0.010572165892032992,
"min": 0.010239771461040957,
"std": 0.0003575595490242263,
"max": 0.011810502473931313
"resultMetadata": {
"ratio": 1.0128934713826583
"critical": false
}, ``` - NetflixACAJudge-v1.0, experimentData is from new release and controlData is from before metrics release ``` "scopes": {
"control": {
"startTimeIso": "2022-02-01T23:59:00Z",
"startTimeMillis": 1643759940000,
"stepMillis": 60000
"experiment": {
"startTimeIso": "2022-02-02T00:59:00Z",
"startTimeMillis": 1643763540000,
"stepMillis": 60000
}, ``` - generate a score of how many metrics passed the threshold by weight of groups(error:60, latency:40). pass 95 - prometheus query ``` histogram_quantile(
0.95, sum by (app, status, le) (
rate(latency_seconds_bucket{type="search", status="OK", %(commonPromFilters)s}[10m])
) ``` 4. access - at halyard config enable ldap/github for authn and authz - kubeconfig with context, user is role_arn(IAM) - kubectl --> aws eks get-token to get authN token -> kubeapi use the token to ask IAM verify and get kube user through aws-auth configmap, then ask RBAC for authorization - aws-auth configmap for IAM(arn) and username/groups(Subjects in clusterolebinding) in eks
- Spinnaker
- Spinnaker is an open-source, multi-cloud continuous delivery platform that helps you release software changes with high velocity and confidence.
- deployed by helm
helm install --name my-release stable/spinnaker --timeout 600 ## install the chart helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml stable/spinnaker ## configuration kubectl apply -f < (helmfile -e env template --skip-deps)
- halyard is a tool for configuring, installing and updating spinnaker
- Bill of Materials(BOM) to express which versions of each microservices have been validated together
artifactSources dependencies services timestamp version
- microservices
- clouddriver - Does the communication with the Kubernetes clusters
- deck - Serves the UI
- echo - Event streamer
- fiat - Authorization
- front50 - Metadata for applications, pipelines, etc.
- gate - API Server for all communicatoin
- igor - For handling CI events
- minio - S3-compatible backend for front50
- orca - Orchestration server for managing pipeline execution
- redis - Cache for applications, pipelines, accounts, users
- rosco - Image baking
- halyard - Configures Spinnaker
6. create a spinnaker pipeline
spin pipeline save -f
7. a simple pipeline template
id, metadata(des,name,owner,scope)
pipeline(git repo,branch, ci build number, clustername)
cloudprovider(kubernetes,manifestartifact)grafana annotate automated, start webhook https://xxx/api/annotations/ end webhook https://xxx/api/annotations/${ '${'}#stage('Grafana Annotate Start Deploy') }
“payload”: {
“isRegion”: true,
“tags”: [
“${ ‘${‘}parameters[‘repo’] }”,
“${ ‘${‘}parameters[‘branch’] }”,
“${ ‘${‘}parameters[‘build_number’].toString() }”,
“${ ‘${‘}parameters[‘cluster’] }”,
“${ ‘${‘}execution[‘application’] }”,
“${ ‘${‘}#stage(‘Deploy (Manifest)’)[‘status’] }”
“text”: “Deploy ${ ‘${‘}execution[‘application’] } end <a href="${ ‘${‘}execution[‘application’] }/executions/details/${ ‘${‘}execution[‘id’] }?stage=${ ‘${‘}#stage(‘Deploy (Manifest)’).refId }">Build Link</a>”,
“time”: “${ ‘${‘}#stage(‘Deploy (Manifest)’)[‘startTime’] }”,
“timeEnd”: “${ ‘${‘}#stage(‘Deploy (Manifest)’)[‘endTime’] }”
},8. parameters
```- troubleshoot
- drill down the pipeline and find an error message
- deployment exceeded its progress deadline - look at pod’s logs or increase
kubectl patch deployment/nginx-deployment -p '{"spec":{"progressDeadlineSeconds":600}}'
- through spinnaker UI, infra ->
-> edit - YAML failure
- Unable to download contents of artifact
- Canary Analysis failed -> related to talk to Thanos instance
- spinnaker rollback –> Clouddriver may have problems talking to Clouddriver MySQL
- Pipeline template is invalid
- Deploy Manifest timeout –> connection between spinnaker and k8s timeout
- Jenkins build job failed
- OOM –> jenkins job OOM
- Kayenta
- Kayenta is a platform for Automated Canary Analysis (ACA)
- need canary feature
- access
- store other kubeconfig as secrets in on-prem k8s or s3 on cloud