
  • being on-call
    1. being on-call
    2. alerting principles
  • before an incident
    1. what is an incident
    2. severity levels
    3. different roles for incidents
    4. incident call etiquette
    5. complex incidents
  • during an incident
    1. during an incident
    2. security incident response
  • after an incident
    1. after an incident
    2. postmortem process
    3. follow-ups(finish in time for high priority ones)
  • practice
    Incident commander -> coordinating
    Scribe -> timeline and records decisions
    Drivers -> engineers involed in fixing the issue

incident management lifecycle:
1. start comms(identify level, roles assigned)
2. contain and fix(find ways to restore/rollback,keep evidence)
3. resolve and review(verify, stakeholders, post-mortem)

attribution(owner: slack channel, slack_aliases, emails, app_id, radar, pagerduty_service_id, runbook, stakeholders)

  • in real life
    oncall -> first responder(oncall)
    firefighter -> incident channel, live call, rollout blocks(notify leader on next action)
    comms -> sending periodic updates , escalating, get more firefighters
    scribe -> document incident, recording any incidents for future reference
    leader -> should not be firefighter, coordinate, keep people focused, care for the participants(not in good state, tired), take decisions, high level viewing

  • slow burning incidents
    Don’t start new features without sufficient alerts