PKI certificates
Kubernetes requires PKI for the following operations:
Client certificates for the kubelet to authenticate to the API server
Server certificate for the API server endpoint
Client certificates for administrators of the cluster to authenticate to the API server
Client certificates for the API server to talk to the kubelets
Client certificate for the API server to talk to etcd
Client certificate/kubeconfig for the controller manager to talk to the API server
Client certificate/kubeconfig for the scheduler to talk to the API server.
Client and server certificates for the front-proxy
etcd also implements mutual TLS to authenticate clients and peers.
On top of the above CAs, it is also necessary to get a public/private key pair for service account management, sa.key and
Certificate paths
Configure certificates for user accounts
filename credential name Default CN O (in Subject)
admin.conf default-admin kubernetes-admin system:masters
kubelet.conf default-auth system:node:<nodeName> (see note) system:nodes
controller-manager.conf default-controller-manager system:kube-controller-manager
scheduler.conf default-scheduler system:kube-scheduler
renew certs
all certs
root@k8s-master:/etc/kubernetes/pki# tree
|-- apiserver.crt
|-- apiserver-etcd-client.crt
|-- apiserver-etcd-client.key
|-- apiserver.key
|-- apiserver-kubelet-client.crt
|-- apiserver-kubelet-client.key
|-- ca.crt
|-- ca.key
|-- etcd
| |-- ca.crt
| |-- ca.key
| |-- healthcheck-client.crt
| |-- healthcheck-client.key
| |-- peer.crt
| |-- peer.key
| |-- server.crt
| `-- server.key
|-- front-proxy-ca.crt
|-- front-proxy-ca.key
|-- front-proxy-client.crt
|-- front-proxy-client.key
|-- sa.key
1 directory, 22 files