Kafka Monitor Prometheus Template
Kafka metrics
- UnderReplicatedPartitions: Number of under-replicated partitions. Alert when UnderReplicatedPartitions > 0.
MBean Name: kafka_server_replicamanager_underreplicatedpartitions - UncleanLeaderElectionsRate: Number of disputed leader elections rate. Alert when UncleanLeaderElectionsPerSec != 0.
MBean Name: LeaderElectionRateAndTimeMs - OfflinePartitionsCount: Number of partitions without an active leader, therefore not readable nor writeable. Alert when OfflinePartitionsCount > 0.
MBean Name: kafka_controller_kafkacontroller_offlinepartitionscount - ActiveControllers: Number of active controller brokers. Alert when ActiveControllerCount != 1.
MBean Name: kafka_controller_kafkacontroller_activecontrollercount - IsrShrink/IsrExpands: When a broker goes down, ISR will shrink for some of the partitions. When that broker is up again, ISR will be expanded once the replicas have fully caught up.
MBean Name: kafka_server_replicamanager_isrshrinks_total and kafka_server_replicamanager_isrexpands_total - Partition count
- Leader partition count
- active controller count
- RequestQueue: Request Queue Size
MBean Name: kafka_network_requestchannel_requestqueuesize - ResponseQueue: Response Queue Size
MBean Name: kafka_network_requestchannel_responsequeuesize - LogFlushLatency: Asynchronous disk log flush and time in ms.
MBean Name: LogFlushRateAndTimeMs - MessagesInPerSec: Incoming messages per second.
MBean Name: kafka_server_brokertopicmetrics_messagesin_total - BytesInPerSec: Incoming/outgoing bytes per second.
MBean Name: kafka_server_brokertopicmetrics_bytesin_total - BytesOutPerSec: Incoming/outgoing bytes per second.
MBean Name: kafka_server_brokertopicmetrics_bytesout_total - ZookeeperReuqestLatency: Kafka Request Zookeeper Latency
MBean Name: kafka_server_zookeeperclientmetrics_zookeeperrequestlatencyms - All topics bytes in rate
- All topics messages in rate
- PurgatorySize: Number of requests waiting in producer purgatory, Number of requests waiting in fetch purgatory
MBean Name: PurgatorySize - NetworkProcessorAvgIdlePercent: The average fraction of time the network processors are idle. Alert when NetworkProcessorAvgIdlePercent < 0.3.
MBean Name: NetworkProcessorAvgIdlePercent - LeaderCountsPerBroker: Number of Leader per broker
MBean Name: kafka_server_replicamanager_leadercount - PartitionsPerBroker: Number of Partitions per broker
MBean Name: kafka_server_replicamanager_partitioncount
- JVM Used: JVM Used
MBean Name: jvm_memory_bytes_used - JVM GC TIME:
MBean Name: jvm_gc_collection_seconds_sum
- ParNew count ParNew Number of young-generation collections
- ParNew time ParNew Elapsed time of young-generation collections
- ConcurrentMarkSweep count ConcurrentMarkSweep Number of old-generation collections
- ConcurrentMarkSweep time
- Page cache reads ratio Ratio of reads from page cache vs reads from disk
- Disk usage Disk space currently consumed vs available
- CPU usage CPU use Resource: Utilization
- Network bytes sent/received Network traffic in/out
Producer Metrics
- record-error-rate
- request-latency-avg
- record-send-rate
- request-size-avg
- records-per-request-avg
Per-broker and per-topic metrics
Consumner Metrics
- fetch-latency-avg
- bytes-consumed-rate
- records-consumed-rate
- fetch-size-avg
per-broker and per-topic metrics
Consumer coordinate metrics
consumer can run into a pause in consumption while consumer group synchronizes
- sync-time-avg
- sync-rate
- commit-latency-avg
- assigned-partitions
Lag Monitoring
- to have an external process that watch both the state of partition on broker, tracking the offset of the most recently produced message, and the state of consumer, tracking the last offset the consumer group has commited for the partition.
Burrow is a monitoring companion for Apache Kafka that provides consumer lag checking as a service without the need for specifying thresholds. It monitors committed offsets for all consumers and calculates the status of those consumers on demand. An HTTP endpoint is provided to request status on demand, as well as provide other Kafka cluster information.
NO THRESHOLDS! Groups are evaluated over a sliding window.
Multiple Kafka Cluster support
Automatically monitors all consumers using Kafka-committed offsets
Configurable support for Zookeeper-committed offsets
Configurable support for Storm-committed offsets
HTTP endpoint for consumer group status, as well as broker and consumer information
Configurable emailer for sending alerts for specific groups
Configurable HTTP client for sending alerts to another system for all groups